

“I Love Dick” is a “novel” about a woman named Chris Kraus and her unrequited, increasingly obsessive love for a cultural critic named Dick. (What I could have told those men on the subway: See?

A Professor of Writing at the European Graduate School, she writes for various magazines and lives in Los Angeles. In I Love Dick, published in 1997, Chris Kraus, author of Aliens & Anorexia, Torpor, and Video Green, boldly tore away the veil that separates fiction from reality and privacy from self-expression. It's no wonder that I Love Dick instantly elicited violent controversies and attracted a host of passionate admirers. The story is gripping enough Chris Kraus On ‘I Love Dick’ “‘I Love Dick’ happened in real life, but it’s not a memoir.” In this video, American writer Chris Kraus talks about her iconic feminist novel ‘I Love Dick’, which has been proclaimed ‘the most important book about men and women written in the last century.’ Kraus writes with an elegance that includes enough rough edges to make I Love Dick a game for real.

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Ann: There is such a “You can be anything” bent to the tacit feminism that I grew up with. And so much of your writing deals quite candidly with women’s failure and longing. Chris Kraus is the author of four novels, including I Love Dick and Summer of Hate; two books of art and cultural criticism; and most recently, After Kathy Acker: A Literary Biography.She received the College Art Association's Frank Jewett Mather Award in Art Criticism in 2008, and a … 2016-05-05 I Love Dick is a novel by American artist and author Chris Kraus. Published by Semiotext(e) in 1997, I Love Dick merges fiction and memoir formats to explore the writer's psycho-sexual obsession with the eponymous "Dick", a media theorist and sociologist whose last name is never given over the course of the text, despite other art world personalities appearing as themselves.

Läs av Chris Kraus online på Bookmate – »Den viktigaste bok om män och kvinnor som skrivits under det senaste århundradet.« | Emily Gould, The Guardian»I 

Skick: Oanvänd Utropspris 40 kr Auktion • Tradera.com Chris Kraus autofiktiva debutroman är ett elektriskt och kompromisslöst utforskande av begär, kärlek och makt. Dick har senare identifierats som medieteoretikern Dick Hebdige. Sedan I Love Dick utgavs har den fått status som en av de skarpaste - och roligaste - feministiska romanerna om erotisk besatthet. Chris Kraus autofiktiva debutroman är ett elektriskt och kompromisslöst utforskande av begär, kärlek och makt.

Chris kraus i love

Chris Kraus erbjuder en underbar och omtumlande tankevärld i sin debutroman "I love Dick". Cecilia Ekebjär läser en intelligent och tonsäker 

Kraus är aktuell i Sverige med nyöversatta I Love Dick  Succén "I love Dick" gjorde henne till alla intellektuella feministers fixstjärna. I Chris Kraus senaste roman skildras underklassens USA. För att hedra återupplåtandet av kultklubben I Love Dick av Chris Kraus, tittar vi på romanen tar obsessiva kärleks- och relationshierarkier. Beskrivande text. »Chris Kraus hotar makten/mannen och förvandlar sig till ett hemligt vapen för en frustrerad feministisk gerilla. Pendlingen mellan teoretiska  Det var kärleken som öppnade Chris Kraus ögon för USA:s systematiska bestraffning av fattiga.

It’s summer, 1991, post-MTV, pre-AOL. 2016-01-08 The Angry Librarian episode #14 - The Angry Librarian reviews Chris Kraus' I love Dick Experience American writer Chris Kraus, author of the iconic feminist novel ‘I Love Dick’, in this passionate talk about the apolitical art scene and the cha ― Chris Kraus, I Love Dick. tags: feminism, serious-young-woman, sex, sexuality, women. 3 likes.
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Chris kraus i love

I översättning av Annelie Axén.

She lives in Los Angeles.
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Långt innan ”Egenmäktigt förfarande” kom ”I love Dick”, om en skrivande kvinna som faller för en äldre man och inte lyckas släppa taget. Chris Kraus is the author of four novels, including I Love Dick and Summer of Hate; two books of art and cultural criticism; and most recently, After Kathy Acker: A Literary Biography. She received the College Art Association's Frank Jewett Mather Award in Art Criticism in 2008, and a Warhol Foundation Art Writing grant in 2011.